Ikon Celebrity Booking

Through our unlimited resources, we have access to many celebrities of your choice for print, commercials and special events. In addition, Ikon is partnered with West Coast celebrity brokers, Baskow & Associates, in Las Vegas. They have been in the industry for nearly 27 years and were named one of the top 10 Star Brokers in the world.

Ikon Athletes

Ikon Athletes provides clients with top professional athletes for all aspects of fashion and entertainment, ranging from print advertisements and commercials to special events and tour sponsorships. We represent some of the most sought-after players of many sports including basketball, football, soccer, hockey and boxing. While striving to cultivate our talent and predict trends, we work closely with the client to see their vision realized.

In choosing our athletes, we not only look for attractiveness as far as looks and charisma, but also in character, as integrity is our primary objective in helping the client to market their product with success.